Fill the spray bottle with water and add 2-3 drops of dish soap or baby shampoo.

1. Work clockwise around the car, cleaning a window and installing the film one panel at a time. Save the rear window until last.


2. Thoroughly spray the solution on the outside surface of the window you plan to tint. Polish until clean and dry. Roll the window down a few inches to clean the top edge of the glass that is generally hidden when window is closed.


3. Spray the inside surface of the window and use razor blade to lightly remove all contaminants and residue from the lower half of the window. Spray again and scrub clean with nylon scrub pad.

Squeegee lower half of window, clean and stroke dry the borders using your hard card wrapped in a layer or two of paper towel or lint-free cloth. Be sure to firmly stroke the borders where the gaskets meet the glass to remove trapped dust.


  1. With spray bottle, flush down any vertical gasket borders along glass edge.


  1. Immediately roll down window 1-2 inches to expose top edges of glass.

  2.  Repeat the cleaning process (steps 3 & 4) for the top portion of the pane, leaving the pane in its slightly lowered position to provide access to the edge. The film will be installed to within 1/16" from this top edge.

  3.  To prepare the glass for the film, spray solution on the INSIDE surface of the window until it is very wet. Spray fingertips with spray solution before handling film to prevent fingerprints.


  1. Peel off the corresponding pre-cut panel for the window you are tinting from the clear film matrix. CAUTION: To prevent tearing, lift top edge of window film away from clear liner and generously spray the adhesive side of the film as you SLOWLY peel away the panel. Always peel panels from top to bottom. Be sure to spray the entire pre-cut panel adhesive surface to prevent contaminants from collecting and to prevent the film from sticking to itself.


  1. Place the wet adhesive side of the film onto the INSIDE of the window. Handle film carefully. DO NOT CREASE. Allow film to slide easily into position. Remember to keep your fingertips wet with spray solution, then smooth the film into place. If the film does not slide easily on the glass, immediately remove film and thoroughly re-spray the glass and film adhesive, then reapply and position the panel. Spray the film surface facing you until it is very wet. Wet all of the film/glass area. Line up the film at the top edge of glass and left and right sides for initial positioning. The aim is to leave a 1/16" to 1/8" gap along the top edge of the glass.


  1. To set the film in place, squeegee the film from the top-center toward the left and then again from the top-center toward the right. This "nails" the film down along the top edge. Then squeegee film again (one stroke only) from the top center toward bottom, stopping about 2-3 inches from the bottom. Remember that film surface must be wet to lubricate the squeegee and that you must always press firmly on the squeegee to remove ALL water and bubbles from under the film.


  1. Continue squeegeeing in horizontal strokes from the center outward to the left and right vertical edges, completely squeegeeing the upper two thirds of the pane.The object is to nail down the extreme top edge to allow you to gently roll up the window without the upper gasket pushing the film off the glass.The top edge in particular should be firmly squeegeed and dried. Use a lint-free cloth to wipe up excess water from these edges. Consider using a hairdryer on the high temperature setting for a minute or two along the extreme top edge to ensure firm bonding.


  1. Now, roll the window up and complete the installation as follows:


  1. Roll up the window (manually or electrically, as the case may be) but hold the lower 3-4 inches of the film away from the glass.


  1. Thoroughly flush down the area of the glass that just emerged from under the gasket. (The glass sliding upwards may have picked up some dust or particulate material that can easily be rinsed back down.)


  1. Now, raise the bottom of the film just above the edge of the window sill gasket. This will cause the film to create a tunnel across the window near the bottom of the window. At one end of the lower gasket, slide the squeegee (a credit card will also work for this purpose) a half inch or so below the gasket. By prying back gasket at the bottom of the window, the film will smoothly slide down between the gasket and the glass.

            Begin the process at one end of the gasket and slide the hard card (squeegee or            credit card) slowly toward the opposite end. Helped by the fingers of your opposite hand, the film will slide nicely down behind the card as it slides across the gasket. Once film is under gasket, re-spray the lower 1/3 of pane and continue squeegeeing film downward to remove remaining moisture and bubbles. When finished, insert the hard edge of the squeegee below the gasket and stroke across bottom edge of film to remove water and bubbles from film now tucked below the gasket.


  1. If darts appear along lower gasket, the window has a compound curve (that is, curved top to bottom and left to right). If the darts are small (2" or shorter), respray the film and squeegee firmly and slowly. If puckers persist, cut a horizontal slit under the pucker above the window gasket. The slit should be approximately 1/16 of an inch past the right and left side of the dart to allow the water to escape. Allow to dry for several hours before using your hard card to stroke down the dart.


  1. For areas too small to squeegee, wrap a clean soft cloth around the hard card squeegee and firmly press the remaining water toward the nearest edge.


18. Leave window rolled up for at least 3 days. (NOTE: As a precaution, put tape over electric window buttons.) At first, film may appear foggy or cloudy. This is normal; the film will clear in a few days. In cold weather, using a hair dryer on medium-to-high settings for a few minutes 8" to 12" from the outside of the glass will accelerate curing.